









Dr. Jiaying Chen is a professor in health management, Vice dean of the School of Health Policy and Management, Nanjing Medical University, and the leader of the discipline of Public Administration. He is also the director of the Center for Health Policy Studies, executive vice director of Institute of Healthy Jiangsu Development, and leader of Creative Research Group of Health Policy. Main courses he teaches include Health Services Management, Methods for Field Survey, Methods in Health Services Research, etc. His research activities mainly focuses on the field of health policy study and health services research. As PI, he got totally 4 projects from National Natural Science Foundation, 1 project from Swedish Research Council1 project from UNICEF and more than 20 other projects. Professor Chen has published nearly 200 papers at domestic and international academic journals as first or corresponding author.   






1.  基于分级诊疗制度建设目标的家庭医生队伍建设研究国家自然科学基金(71874087)2019.1-2022.12

2.  江苏省级综合医改试点评估江苏省医改办2017~2018

3.  基于患者体验的公立医院改革绩效评价研究国家自然科学基金(71473129),2015~2018

4.  乡镇卫生院基于绩效评价的激励机制研究国家自然科学基金(71173117)2011~2014

5.  Measuring  health-related quality of life: regional and social differentials in population  health status and values for health in China, Swedish Research  Council(348-2009-6538),  2010-2012

6.  用EQ-5D开展人群健康相关生命质量的测量和健康公平性评价国家自然科学基金(70873064),2009~2011



1.  朱亚,  陈家应*.  建设新时代中国特色健康事业.  南京医科大学学报(社会科学版),  2018, 18(5): 335-338

2.  Lang Zhuo, Ling Xu, Jingtao Ye, Sun Sun, Yaoguang Zhang, Kristina Burstrom,   Jiaying  Chen*.  Time Trade-Off Value Set for EQ-5D-3L Based on a Nationally Representative  Chinese Population Survey. Value in Health, 21(2018)  1330 – 1337.  (SCI/SSCIIF5.494)Open  Access

3.  Xuanxuan Wang, Rongqin Jiang, Jingxian Li, Jiaying  Chen*, Bo  Burström, Kristina Burström. What do patients care most about in China’s public  hospitals? Interviews with patients in Jiangsu Province. BMC Health Services  Research,  2018, 18:97 (SCI,  IF1.827,  Open Access

4.  Sun Sun*, Jiaying  Chen*,  Magnus Johannesson, Paul Kind, Ling Xu, Yaoguang Zhang, Kristina Burstrom.  Population health status in China: EQ-5D results, by age, sex and socio-economic  status, from the National Health Services Survey 2008. Quality of Life Research,  (2011) 20:309–320 (SCI/SSCIIF  2.486

5.  陈家应,王萱萱,张剑,池延花.  提高农村基层卫生服务绩效管理水平——中国农村卫生发展项目40县绩效改革设计与效果[J].  中国卫生政策研究,  2015, (11): 9-14.

